The Inventive Princess of Floralee

This two-person, interactive, 45-minute fairy tale will have your audiences “thinking like scientists” as they follow the Princess of Floralee on the adventure of a lifetime, searching for the kidnapped king kept in the clutches of a viciously vile and wrathfully wicked witch. Along the way, audiences will help the princess solve a variety of math, engineering, science, and even dance challenges as she uses her brains, wit, and sound judgment to find her father in the land Scalenfell. Our princess meets characters like a figure-skating dragon, a Platypus saving Pirate, a gate with a flair for the dramatics, and a witch! This unique educational opportunity unites science and art by giving audiences a chance to laugh, dance, and think critically about topics rooted in STEM.

  • TYA Musical

  • 2-5 Actors any gender

  • 50 Minutes

Kate StarkTYA